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Sunday, May 31, 2015

iOS Device(s) crash when receiving a sertain message.

A new glitch has just showed how you can crash your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch when a certain message is received via iMessage. This aforementioned message is known as "effective power".

لُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ
This message contains a set of unicodes combined with Arabic text which work together to crash said device. Actually, it only "resprings" or "reboots" your device.  In some cases it may also "brick" your messages App resulting in unresponsiveness and/or crashing of aforementioned App. To preface, this will most likely not harm your device, but just to be safe, I would not suggest trying this out yourself.

Below I have povided a video with further explanation of said glitch. I also provided a plethora of videos and articles on how to fix the messages crash bug on iOS.

To reiterate, it is confirmed that this glitch will crash your Apple Watch and the Messages App on Mac OS X. 

Apple has also released a notice informing the public that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix with a software update release.

Have you experienced the messages glitch? if so, please let me know down below.


This bug also works on 3rd party Apps like Snapchat, Twitter, and WhatsApp.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tutorial: How to Watch Movies & TV Shows for FREE on your iOS Device

We are sometimes cheap and don't want to pay for movies or streaming services like Netflix or Hulo Plus. Today, I am going to show you how to watch Movies and TV show for Free on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. The best part is that you get the latest movies and tv shows as soon as they are released. Really.

Tutorial: How to Watch Movies & TV Shows for FREE on your iOS Device

Step 1- Launch "Safari" on your iOS Device and head over to and scroll down until you find the big iOS button.

Step 2- Tap on the first link and then tap "Install".

Step 3- After installing the App, Launch it & enter the following info on the popup screen.

Password- playboxHD1

Step 4- You are all set. You can now watch movies and tv show on your iOS Device. 

It is so easy to set this up. If you have any problems, watch the video above to get an extensive look on installing PlayBox HD on your iOS device.

Their is also an Android version available. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Google Quietly Pushes Material Design Update to its YouTube App for iOS

Google last night has released an unexpected but knowing update to its iOS App. Today comes about 2 years since youtube has updated its design in summer 2013. 

As you see in the top image above, as aforementioned, YouTube just quietly released its material design update to its iOS counterpart. This update also brings a new User Interface which mainly establishes a new navigation by the new 4 tabs at the bottom of the screen.

I have expected this update to come but not with this design. Though i kind of like it better than the Android version. Hopefully Google steps up its game because they still have a few more Apps to update with a new makeover such as Google+. On the other hand, iPad has not yet recieved the material design makeover to the aforementioned software. But I might be wrong since it may be that I checked on an iPad 2. 

What do you think of the new material design update? Let me know what you think down below.